Let Change Happen – Insulated Neoprene Wine Carrier



Hello, wine enthusiasts! Our custom wine tote bags are here to add a splash of art and a dash of convenience to your wine experiences.

Crafted from 100% high-quality neoprene, these wine tote bags are designed to keep your favorite wine insulated for hours. So whether you’re on a picnic, heading to a friend’s house, or hosting a party, your wine will always be at the perfect temperature.

The built-in carrying handle, along with the soft grip, ensures comfortable and effortless transportation. It fits a 25oz – 34oz (750ml – 1l) bottle, making it versatile for various types of wine bottles.

Stain-resistant and easy to clean, these wine totes are as practical as they are stylish. It’s a perfect gift for wine lovers, party hosts, or anyone who appreciates a fusion of art and functionality.

Let Change Happen: This canvas, like its two sisters, is a record of a conversation. Starting with anchor shapes, and the premise of a conversation about personal agency, another shape suggests itself like a reply; a reply comes in the form of color and marks. One can look through transparent layers at the past, for unseen meanings, for new insights about how things change, how things change us, how our value remains and deepens.